Stand up for yourself...

Courage and confidence with a pinch of self esteem and a little ego makes a good recipe for probable blame it on fate may be..:)

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Stand wherever you are and the whole world shall seem moving. If you are dizzy with the people in it, stand still-hold on. Whatever happens in and around is always a consequence of what you have thought, done and been a part. The decision and choice is always open but the choice to choose itself has been the most difficult part.

Now You cannot go back to things and rectify them if you ever wanted to, because everything has had its own meaning and importance at that point of time. If you have a feeling of sinking and loosing yourself ..then stand still. It passes, with time and more so again with time. Actually, contemplating doesn't help at all. Its a pain most of the times as we keep grilling ourselves in it. Its not a healthy exercise at all, especially when you feel you are standing alone in the river banks and you don't even know if you are waiting for someone or you want to just 'be' in the moment.

This loneliness is just like a mirage. Its so damn allusive sometimes that you cannot be sure if want to be in that state or not. Sometimes it feels like its only you and the air you inhale-exhale..and sometimes its like it chokes your body and soul-can't breath! How can be it be conflicting. Well seeing yourself or the immediate beings, happy  feels so painful sometimes. Not because you don't like yourself or them to be happy- just that you feel perturbed, rather clueless. You cannot blame yourself for being unhappy, you just got to revisit yourself, express your worth to yourself. Its a state of mind, a strange psychology. Its not your character-but a phase. You deal with it hard enough, make your space again and try to move.

The same faces become a butt of joke, the names which once made you shaky, seem worthless. You wait for that vigor in you. It does happens, it actually happens all the time. You just have to move with time and relatively stand still to your killing surroundings. Its a survival game. Winning or loosing is a weird state but surviving the game is what makes it worth. Persistence decides what is your present and how would you be in your forthcoming games. I hope the game never ends, tears never stop-it would build you and break you and freaking self will simply love it!

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