Stand up for yourself...

Courage and confidence with a pinch of self esteem and a little ego makes a good recipe for probable blame it on fate may be..:)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Hollow victory

Hollow smile,
fake and drowning-

He stares, as a child.
I see the day light,
wait for it to die.

Tears, colours
all together they
dance on my floor,

and I let him
dance too, in my
garden, the spring-

blooms, glowing
and trying to make
me happy, Laugh

at my misery.
The buried lives
become visible.

Obscure, alive-play
tricks on mind
like a five year old

Playing with mother.
There is love, hate
anger-love again.

What have I done
to learn this game!
Or is it something else?

The warmth, the fire
the touch, the prick
the trance, the gloom.

All of them burnt
into pieces or ashes.
They will not rise

Again in this spring.
the smile will be 
still, rejuvenating.

No pain, embracing
beauty and clarity-
No judgement I say.

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