Weekend mania drives some kind of emotional dis balance where it should actually help in rejuvenating, it works the other way round and the result is...the blog is updated on Mondays..:)..with some food for thought...
Today its about things we know but ignore or things we thought we didn't know but we were actually skin deep into that! And the question is how often does it happen..?
Well its happening quite a lot with me nowadays and its a kinda of memory game...the only thing i do get to realize is how everything is moving in a circle..a vicious one, wherein i am like an object following the orbit and nothing else...
The major issue is, the things i know like some age old rules created by me n myself, keeps deceiving me n i fall a victim to strange circumstances...and some other times, I am not aware of things but actually i am into it n very deep and in a real mess...;)...well the so called facts of life come handy in such situations and clear the mess up at least for a moment but it helps a great deal to surrender to my idiosyncrasies again n m back to normal...
The take home message is always the same...expectations do pinch BUT they are like drugs, get addicted or leave it for lifetime..;)...yippee..
Today its about things we know but ignore or things we thought we didn't know but we were actually skin deep into that! And the question is how often does it happen..?
Well its happening quite a lot with me nowadays and its a kinda of memory game...the only thing i do get to realize is how everything is moving in a circle..a vicious one, wherein i am like an object following the orbit and nothing else...
The major issue is, the things i know like some age old rules created by me n myself, keeps deceiving me n i fall a victim to strange circumstances...and some other times, I am not aware of things but actually i am into it n very deep and in a real mess...;)...well the so called facts of life come handy in such situations and clear the mess up at least for a moment but it helps a great deal to surrender to my idiosyncrasies again n m back to normal...
The take home message is always the same...expectations do pinch BUT they are like drugs, get addicted or leave it for lifetime..;)...yippee..