Stand up for yourself...

Courage and confidence with a pinch of self esteem and a little ego makes a good recipe for probable blame it on fate may be..:)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Love may be skin deep but 'Thoughts' are SOUL deep...

So 'Thoughts' sound like conception of a 'Child'...True isn't it..
Once upon a time an event happened, you were bearing it all this while, then it started becoming important, then inevitable and then Obnoxious...but you wanted to let it out and plant it somewhere else apart from your body, so it transformed it into something DEEP...sounds pretty weird but happens...

Now, having the consciousness that there is an existing feeling, the seed of the thought of the feeling and the retrograde events that led to these are always like a spider mesh!...either one wants to be entangled or wants to just destroy the mesh, clean it up and say..'hey was it ever messy'..!

Well the second scenario needs a little bit of exaggerated courage which you might not have but still you might like to try out, thinking that in the course of the fake attitude you may fit the bill and be the real YOU..the strong you ..
When thoughts are conceived like a child, it often is a joy initially as the conception and its due course is driven by extreme gay moments and 'love is skin deep' kind of aura...but if it is not like a child which is meant by the ones predominantly created or at least maintained well by you yourself, becomes a tough one to handle at a stage and the Deep Soul within you keeps calling for clearing up the Mesh...then is the time, when one needs to listen to that mild voice from within and just Follow...

Well, its not an easy job to even first differentiate a child-like thought and the self-planted one..but when you do...It will just be SOUL deep and not only Skin deep...!