Stand up for yourself...

Courage and confidence with a pinch of self esteem and a little ego makes a good recipe for probable blame it on fate may be..:)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Love for Contraventions...

A day starts, ends and a new one starts. Is it the beauty of the monotony or the monotony of beautiful feelings I don't know. This says that I have been changing, slow and steady and sometimes fast and chaotic but I have changed for sure. Who else would identify beauty in monotony I say!
The quality of wearisome constancy as the definition says, is so adorable sometimes that this humdrum in a person, surrounding or myself just thrusts upon a feeling to evolve more and more and more till I can imagine.

I don't take it as an offensive feeling so as to say, to appreciate this constancy because every morning I get up, I just ponder how should I challenge the captivity of the 'sameness' around...It helps, sure it does, it has done a lot to me over the years and it will continue doing its trick on me and so its beautiful...its gainsaying...a blessing in disguise!

In this life what constantly germinates is a thought, sometimes altruistic, sometimes eccentric and egoistic and many a times painful and renunciative. They grow, spread and then entrap and engulf all I have in me and pass...sink with gravity and vanish with time..that's what they are meant to do...

What happens next is a mysterious outburst leading to another painfully lovely outlook with 'Contraventions', tied everywhere forming a mesh around the thinking mind. It just doesn't end there...the penetration is through heart, feelings and then soul...kills me..and simultaneously whispers that I should live in ecstasy, bear the prick and again Evolve. 

Every tomorrow becomes present, so fast and clear that I have to endure the conflicts, love and live with it. There is no fallacious intention to ruin my soul.. but to realize it, to nurture it and question it as long as I am alive and exist in nature. The tenderness of this string which holds my contraventions and my love for monotony is unexplainable and with every passing day and night the string is fortified....deep and dense.

1 comment:


    Is time a variable or a constant or a relative variable?
    The beauty is simply how we see it!
    And wisdom lies in how one interprets it. :-)
