Stand up for yourself...

Courage and confidence with a pinch of self esteem and a little ego makes a good recipe for probable blame it on fate may be..:)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Divinity through My Senses...

Divinity- a personification, a strength or a faith in supernatural is perceived through various senses including the most powerful one, the sixth sense.
The aura of something to be experienced as divine can vary from an individual to another as the senses of each one stands significant for his/her own perception. The expression of it might be as skillful as a memorable speech or as powerful as the SILENCE itself.

Divinity through my eyes is  that tear drop which flows unexpectedly in a subconscious environment, a peaceful mind gives birth to a mere drop which engulfs all the expressions of the moment and just flows.
A temple, for instance doesn't attract me because of the religion per se but most likely because it is the place where some senses are so active to conglomerate my feelings and gather faith in a power much more than religion. 

Beauty and the vision behind the exploration of it and the meaning of its existence is equally divine. An interchangeable relation that beauty shares with Love, Life and Happiness is unquestionable. The goal of life and the sustenance of love, create an unusual sense which I find it arduous to even sense or categorise among any senses.

It might not be that I can write about divinity and explain it to myself whether or not it exists within me, but it surely is a form of expression and a feeling rather strong to let me clear my eyes to see what I should be seeing and a purity of thought leading towards the unexpected which stands on the way as I move ahead.
"Krishna is divine as it is a culmination of Spiritualism and Materialism". My existence with this belief is an answer to divinity.

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