Stand up for yourself...

Courage and confidence with a pinch of self esteem and a little ego makes a good recipe for probable blame it on fate may be..:)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Changes or hidden desires!!

Well after entering so called mysterious world of PhD..suddenly a feeling of freedom had set in in a very dominant fashion n before it was to die down, I thought "why not get a tattoo done!!..although a permanent one would require a lot of courage n thinking, a temp one was more welcoming so just jumped into it n got it done...see the courage to wear a tee called 'boys no way" with a tattoo on a Monday morning was quite a thing for ME!

Hmm, I wouldn't say i have changed but probably a lot of hidden desires are worth fulfilling when many things around seem NULL...lil experimentation keeps u Healthy :)....The idea of momentary but satisfying deeds have become inevitable off late n changes in many things are worth implementing...anyway its with a sense of 'No gain no loss'...


  1. Congratulations! You have gotten into PhD :o)

    Tattoo looks coool.

  2. Well i m in my 2nd year but realization keep changing n gettin to knw myself better.

  3. Oh! The way you started the post, I thought you entered into PhD just now :o)

  4. A tattoo...someone is taking the rock star's path......

  5. rock star ...nope harisha...curiousity to see hw it looks but if thr was no restrictions i wud have gottn a permanent one :)

  6. oh yeah...
    i have proof to dispute that... ;)
