Stand up for yourself...

Courage and confidence with a pinch of self esteem and a little ego makes a good recipe for probable blame it on fate may be..:)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Life and emotions...

When we were born, we never ever imagined that life would be so spectacular at various points....sometimes so predictable and sometimes absolutely a mystery box!!!

But actually  the element of mystery is what keeps us alive....just like we all say everything is fair in love and war...i think everything is fair in finding love and fighting for a great and meaningful life as if in a war!!

The essence of everything is fueled by our emotions which is surely uncontrollable many a times and decisive to a certain extent when we want to control them at our will.....tricky matter...lets make our life easy for ourselves to figure out and a little complex for others to scratch their head and keep the enigma alive......


  1. you surely left me scratching my head

  2. scratch their head and keep the enigma alive......
    that usually happened to me while I was attending Biochemistry exams... :)

  3. @harish..well ur state of encounter with experiences are quite unpredictable n different n we can learn things frm u...!
